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Car Accident Attorneys in Cincinnati

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Car Accident Attorneys in Cincinnati

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident in Cincinnati, you deserve to know your legal rights, and you need a law firm that will fight for those rights. You may have suffered severe injuries that have kept you out of work, and you’re wondering how you’re going to pay your bills. The car accident attorneys of Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. You will not have to pay anything unless we can secure a recovery for you.

If you or someone you care about was injured in a car accident in the Greater Cincinnati area, contact us today at (513) 351-5997 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced and knowledgeable lawyers. We’ll begin an investigation of your case and get to work so that you can get the compensation you need and deserve.

Table Of Contents

    Do I Need a Car Accident Attorney?

    When you’ve been in a car accident, you need to focus on recovering from your injuries and taking care of your family. A car accident attorney will take on the burden of dealing with insurance companies and lawyers to get you the compensation you deserve. An experienced attorney is accustomed to going up against insurance companies and law firms, making sure they pay what is owed. They will make sure that your insurance company pays out the personal injury protection coverage in your policy to take care of medical bills and lost wages. And if the other party turns out not to have enough insurance to cover your damages, a car accident attorney will go back to your insurance company to get the underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage you are due under your policy.

    If you must go to trial on your claims, a car accident attorney will be your guide through the justice system, ensuring that your claims are timely filed and that the proper parties are served so that you do not miss out on enforcing your essential rights. A car accident attorney experienced in litigation will know how to respond to notices from the trial court and motions from the other party, making sure that your case isn’t dismissed before it even gets in front of a jury. At trial, a car accident attorney will vigorously argue your case to a jury to obtain a favorable verdict and a judgment that compensates you for your losses.

    Why Choose Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC to Handle My Car Accident Case?

    The experienced, award-winning Cincinnati car accident attorneys of Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC should be your first choice when seeking lawyers to handle your car accident claim. Our attorneys focus on car accident claims. Unlike some attorneys who “dabble” in accident cases, we have the specialized knowledge to turn a decent recovery into a great recovery. Our attorneys maintain current knowledge about Colossus, the computer software used by insurance companies to determine settlements. We know how to “speak” to Colossus so that you don’t get a lowball settlement offer.

    Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC has a 10.0 rating from Avvo and was named Top Attorney for Car Accidents. The National Trial Lawyers Association also recognized us as a Top 100 Trial Lawyers firm. Don’t waste one more day delaying getting the compensation you deserve.

    Types of Cases We Handle

    Our team of attorneys at Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC is experienced in handling a wide variety of car accident cases. We can handle cases involving car accidents caused by:

    The car accident lawyers at Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC are ready to fight to get the compensation you need for your injuries. To get the full and fair compensation you deserve, you must prove that the other driver was negligent or that they failed to exercise adequate care and caution that was required under the circumstances.

    Negligence is proven by evidence offered at trial. That evidence will come in the form of witness testimony, photographs, the police report, and the testimony of expert witnesses.

    Your attorney, of course, will be prepared to offer all of the necessary evidence at trial to prove your claim. Your attorney will also make motions to exclude evidence that is harmful to your case. Finally, your attorney will also be ready to cross-examine any witnesses who dispute the validity of your claims.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you suffered severe or catastrophic injuries in a car accident, you deserve more than just an apology from the person responsible. You deserve answers and justice. Our team is here to provide you with both. Call us at (513) 351-5997 to discuss your specific situation during a confidential consultation. Also, read below to find the answers to some frequently asked questions:

    If you are able and after you’ve made sure that no one at the scene is in immediate medical trouble, take photos of the vehicles involved in the accident as well as the accident scene itself. Try to get pictures of the position of vehicles after the accident, the exact damage to the vehicles, the lighting and weather condition at the scene, the positions of signs or traffic controls, and the presence of skid marks and other evidence that may be lost when the accident scene is cleaned up and the vehicles are removed. Photographs can be critical to proving your case. If emergency services don’t respond to the accident scene, call the police to investigate the accident. The police report may be the determining factor that proves the other party is at fault for the accident. Avoid speaking with the other driver, except to see whether they need medical attention. You don’t want to make any admissions of fault or make any statements that can later be used to argue you were responsible for the accident. Also, refrain from speaking to the other party’s insurance company adjusters. If you talk to your own insurance company, don’t make any admission of fault. If your insurance company asks you to sign documentation, do not do so until an attorney reviews it. Visit with your primary care provider even if you were taken to the hospital after your accident. You may have injuries you were not initially aware of and getting treatment immediately after your accident may be necessary to prove that your injuries were caused by the accident and not by some subsequent event or medical condition. Finally, you should contact a car accident attorney to discuss your case. An attorney can advise you about your situation and the compensation you may be entitled.
    Pursuant to section 2305.10 (A) of the Ohio Revised Code, any claim for personal injuries related to a car accident must be brought within two years from the date of the accident. If a claim is not made or a lawsuit is not filed within this two-year timeframe, you will forever be barred from bringing such a claim, and will not be entitled to any monetary compensation. For example, if your car accident occurred on January 31, 2020, you must file your lawsuit by January 31, 2022. If you file your lawsuit on February 1, 2022, your complaint will be dismissed by the court.
    The term “damages” refers to monetary compensation that is given to an individual who is injured in an accident for the injuries and losses they suffered because of the accident. If you sustained injuries in a Cincinnati car accident, Ohio laws will govern the types of damages to which you are entitled. If you sustained injuries in a Cincinnati car accident, Ohio laws will govern the types of damages to which you are entitled. Ohio allows for an injured person to collect compensatory, or actual damages. These types of damages can represent both economic losses and noneconomic losses. Economic damages pertain to specific economic losses that a person suffers because of an injury they sustained in an accident. Noneconomic damages is a lump sum of money that is awarded for a personal injury victim for the pain and suffering they endured because of their injuries. The purpose of compensatory damages is to make the victim whole again. In some circumstances, you may be entitled to punitive damages. These damages are awarded to an injured party when a defendant intentionally caused injury to another, or when they acted with reckless disregard to the law. Punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant for their actions, and serve as a warning to keep others from acting in the same manner.
    In Ohio, there are laws that limit the amount of damages an injured person can recover following a car accident. With respect to noneconomic damages, the limit is $250,000, or three times the amount of economic damages, whichever is greater, with a maximum recovery of $350,000 per plaintiff permitted. One exception to this rule is that there is no cap on noneconomic damages if the injured person suffered a catastrophic injury that leads to a permanent and substantial physical deformity, loss of the use of a limb, or an injury that prevents one from caring for themselves and performing life-sustaining activities. In regard to punitive damages, the amount awarded cannot exceed twice the amount of compensatory damages. In Ohio, there is no limit on the number or amount of economic damages that can be claimed.
    Ohio law allows people who are injured in car accidents to bring a claim for their injuries, even if they were partially at fault for the accident. Your lump sum award for damages, however, will be reduced by the percentage of your own negligence. For example, a jury determines that the defendant was 80% at fault for your accident and that you were 20% at fault. You are awarded $10,000 for your compensatory damages. Your award will be reduced by 20% to $8,000. However, if a jury finds that you are 51% or more at fault for the accident, you will be barred from recovering any damages for your injuries under the law.
    Car accident attorneys in Cincinnati work on a contingency fee. That is, they do not get paid unless they obtain a monetary award on your behalf.
    Never accept any settlement offer without first speaking with an attorney. The insurance companies are in business to make money, which means they want to pay you the least amount of money you’ll accept. The insurance companies are depending on the fact that you need cash now to cover medical bills or lost wages. But you may have additional compensation that you are entitled to under the law. You may also not realize the extent of the medical expenses or lost income you will suffer in the future as a result of your accident. A car accident attorney can review the insurance company’s settlement offer and determine whether it is a reasonable offer.
    The car accident lawyers of Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC accept car accident cases on a contingency basis, which means you do not owe us any money unless we obtain compensation for you. If we obtain a settlement or win at trial for you, our fees, case expenses, and court costs will be paid from your settlement or judgment.
    You may be entitled to several different types of compensation from your car accident. Such compensation may include:
    • Past and future medical expenses
    • Past and future lost wages and income
    • Past and future pain and suffering
    • Expenses to adapt your home for any permanent disabilities
    • Loss of quality or enjoyment of life and life activities
    • Property damage
    The car accident attorneys at Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC can evaluate your case and advise you about the compensation you are entitled.
    It can be difficult to determine how long it will take to resolve a car accident claim. In cases where the other party accepts responsibility for the accident, resolution can be quick since the only question is settling on the amount of damages owed. If fault is a question, it may take time to investigate the accident and obtain clear facts that show who is responsible. If settlement isn't possible, and we have to take your case to trial, we will pursue your claims as diligently and efficiently as the court system allows, although lawsuits can take months to complete from initial filing to judgment. In any case, we will work to get you the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.

    Ohio Car Accident Statistics

    Every year, a staggering number of car accidents occur on Ohio roads, especially in the bustling hub of Cincinnati. Many of these preventable tragedies result in severe injuries, property damage, and, unfortunately, preventable deaths. The following statistics from the Department of Public Safety shed light on the prevalent trends and patterns among car accidents in Hamilton County.

    Hamilton County Accident Statistics by Crash Severity

    • Hamilton County recorded 28,457 total traffic crashes throughout 2022.
    • Of all those crashes, 75 were fatal.
    • There were 376 crashes involving suspected serious injuries.
    • Another 3,102 crashes resulted in minor injuries.
    • Possible injuries resulted from 2,774 crashes.
    • Another 22,130 crashes caused only property damage.

    Accident Statistics by Injury Severity in Hamilton County

    • In sum, 8,941 people were hurt or killed in Hamilton County traffic crashes in 2022.
    • A total of 78 people died in Hamilton County car accidents that year.
    • Crashes also resulted in 482 cases of suspected serious injuries.
    • Another 4,148 people sustained suspected minor injuries.
    • Traffic accidents caused 4,233 possible injuries that year.
    • Pedestrians accounted for 367 of these traffic injuries.

    Hamilton County Accident Statistics by Vehicle Type

    • Overall, 55,461 vehicles were in Hamilton County traffic accidents in 2022.
    • Passenger vehicles were involved in 49,730 crashes.
    • Motorcycles were involved in 240 accidents.
    • Medium and heavy trucks were in 1,762 crashes.
    • There were 1,466 bus, van, and limo-related crashes.
    • Non-motorists were in 427 accidents.
    • Three crashes involved trains.

    Alcohol-Related Crashes in Hamilton County

    • There were 795 alcohol-related crashes throughout Hamilton County in 2022.
    • These crashes involved 786 impaired drivers.
    • Alcohol played a role in 37 fatal crashes and 38 traffic deaths in Hamilton County that year.
    • Alcohol was a factor in 306 local injury crashes that year.

    Hamilton County Accident Statistics at a Glance

    • Every day, Hamilton County averaged 0.2 fatal crashes in 2022, equating to one traffic death every 112.3 hours countywide.
    • That year, roughly 24.3 people sustained crash injuries daily, or one person every 59.3 minutes.
    • Alcohol impairment was a factor in 2.8 percent of all crashes and 4.8 percent of all fatal wrecks in Hamilton County in 2022.
    • Area crashes tragically ended the lives of three children and injured 667 kids under 14 in 2022.

    Contact the Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyers of Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC

    The Cincinnati car accident attorneys at Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC will bring their years of experience to your case, making sure that other drivers and insurance companies pay you the compensation you deserve. Contact our dedicated car accident law firm when you or a loved one suffers an injury in a car accident. Contact us today at (513) 351-5997 to schedule a free consultation about your case.


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    Last Updated : June 13, 2024
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